Jóla- og áramótakveðja frá Lucy Odipo
29.12.2007 | 00:11
Hi my dear friends of Africa, the time has come the year is ending by the love of God and I would like to have time to thank God for the whole year we have been thinking of each other. We want to thank Almighty God for His great love and great Mercy towards our our tender hearts, our friends of Africa and every friend has donated a single dollar to little bees and the time has come to thank you deep into my heart for marketing me and the little bees orphans , to be lifted and the changes is being seen by the community as miracles.
As I told that you have lit your burning candle in our center and the burning candle is on burning with love from friends of Africa , expecially your family which have done alot to little bees orphans , and I will not be ashamed to say thank you once more. Let my thanks reach to every friend of Africa and every one may receive my love and hug in this special day of Christmas. I have nothing to send you but I send you my love and hug and prayers, let Almighty God continue to put His mercy eyes towards us when we are serving him on these poor souls to have love and big smiling from our smiling faces. Let my love and Christmas greetings reach to your loving daughters Brynhildur, Halldora, Saga, Haukur,Frida, Gigja. Davis, Addy, Ragnar, Kristin, Heidar, Hrannar, Rosa loving daughter to Gigja,thorleifsson, your loving son Kjartan Otieno, Inga Kolbrun and many friends whom I have forgooten their names tell them mama Lucy loves and she is wishing every friend a happy new year , and also thank for the new year plan for the building of six classrooms . which will be palace when it will be complited. I wish you a good start with God for the new year plan, Thank very much for all projects you under go and think of us on all of your projects. I say thank you on their behalf if they will forget to say thank for what you have done the whole of the year for D.A.P programme. Bye papa Beggi, and mama Inga I love you all deep into my heart I love you , and Almighty God may bless you all.
Yours daughter Lucy Odipo in Kenya
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