Kenya wildlife safari - þakkir til Kristínar og Gígju
21.2.2008 | 12:20
Hér koma fleiri fréttir frá Little Bees. Börnum og starfsfólki var boðið í dýragarðinn (í boði Kristínar og Gígju), til að dreifa huga þeirra frá hörmungarástandinu. Hér kemur bréfið frá Lucy:
Thank you very much for the donation of D.A.P. of updatate February, I want to thank you friends of Africa and the mercy you have been with me in this time of tears, and sorrows ,killings in Kenya, I had send some pictures to Brynhildurs eail she received up to number seven so I have send you number 8 to 12 to give to other saponsors and to see what Iam doing with the money send, as I told you friends of Africa that our school of Little bees was looted by the bandits it is so hard to come through in this time, but I have appriciated with the donations I havbe bought some textbooks for the school and |I have bought some beddings to my self, and I want to thank friends of Africa for their concern to me and the little bees school, The money send to me lastly I send the little bees outing for a change to see the animals at Kenya Wild life we were 13 staffs 8 teachers,one cook, 2 workers and myself the Adults paid 100/- per each which we paid to the receipts 1300 one thousand three hubndred, the little bees children all costs 3,550/- three thousand five hundred and fifty per child was 50/ fifty shillings, 4,850 four thousand eght hundred and fifty and the bus hired at 6,500, six thousand five hundred, and the picknic lunch was bought at 3500/- and this was the donation brought by Kristin and Gigjaa, I was trying to change the minds of the children and remove the fear of war in thir minds, and I wanted to give them calm and please them, they were happy to see the animals and jokes and some were laughing and trying to forget, as I told you the whole school were very much afraid because of loosing their classmates in death of fire. I want to thank Kristin and Gigjaa for the kind donation and I have used it to take the chidren and to teach them and some will write composition about the Zoom, so study the pictures all sponsored children were there there expect Amos Imbeva and Robin Owino was unwell on that day but some pictures in the school compund they are there.,the remaining change I bought biscuts and sweets for them. I have attached the receipts coming. I want to thank you for Silvance is doing well and happy but I told you that their house was put to fire now Silvance poor mother is suffering alot because they loosed thir belongings as me, and Calvin too hergrandmother is in problem the same , but last D.A.P, I helped them with some food same to Silvance mother.We still leave in fear we are waiting for Koffi Annas mediation to bring solutin and peace. I beleive and trust that by the end of February you promised me the balance of the building of classes to accoplish and the uildings to go on. I thank for that please may I hear Iam ready to go on with the building to have new good classes at little bees.Thank you for your prayers, send my love and greetings to mum Inga and tell her I love you all. yours mama Lucy Odipo enjoy the pictures and the Zoom pitures and the animals we saw.
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