Við söfnum fyrir læknisþjónustu

Eins og ég tiltók í síðasta innleggi herjar kólerufaraldur á börnin í Little Bees. Öll fósturbörnin okkar nema tvö eru veik og tvö lítil börn í leikskóladeildinni hafa látist. Hún Margrét, sem er ötul stuðningskona Little Bees, stakk upp á því að við myndum safna peningum til þess að hjálpa til við að greiða fyrir læknisþjónustu fyrir börnin, en læknisþjónusta í Kenía er dýr, miðað við aðra þjónustu. Við höfum því stofnað sérstakan söfnunarreikning fyrir það verkefni, nr. 0137-26-004645, kt. 550109-0850.

Margt smátt gerir eitt stórt!


 Hér eru svo póstur frá Lucy forstöðukonu Little Bees um ástandið:

I want to thank you for a good message  of finding more sponsors and these words have touched my heart, I have been very busy my dear friend Bryn  just imagine  one week past \our Madoya slums have been in danger of Cholera broke to our nearest slum and reached to our area these has given us a hard time where many children are lying in the National Kenyatta hospital same to little bees children, I have 40 children who are in the hospital and 2 have died on these great cholera, Marion  your daughter is in the hospital, Calvin,Belinda,Macrine,Mohamed, Silvance   and others who have not been sponsored are very sick they are in careUnit,please pray for me and the little bees children, today I paid a big bill for the 10 children to come out 2 have died  these are the ones who have not been sponsored they are 2 from baby class. Marion and others are twenty  eight   are in the hospital lying,these have touched even the other children neighbouring madoya slums, these has occured because we had a very heavy rain which opened rotten sewages and floated to the area around us.Pass these messages to their sponsors that their children are very sick  they may pray for them me .Iam stranded seeing my children lying on the their beds not knowing me even if I call Marion cannot answer me.same to others.The sponsored ones who also victimised with the great cholera were Agnes Wanjiku, Robin Owino, Amos Imbeva was lucky he was not touched, Nicole spent four days.       I will email you again tomorrow how the children are going on with the medictions. I  have  worked alot tirelessly and you know my health is not good  to work much  but I pray for the children        
        I had already taken the pictures for you  to send to Belinda:s sponsor about  150 little bees children  to their company to join us on sponsoring the needy and orphans at little bees, and Iam very much happy with the idea from her  and Iam sending them to you,
Thank you very much I will send you picture of the new classrooms and i think your friend will come to take more pictures on July when she comes, this moment I am very busy I will send you the budget, let me nurse these orphans first dear Bryn. Thank you very much for the  DAP donations you send to little bees orphans. Bye yours mama Lucy Odipo

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