Lucy þakkar ykkur stuðninginn

 Peningarnir sem við söfnuðum fyrir sjúkrahúsvist fósturbarnanna eru komnir á leiðarenda í Little Bees. Það er svo innilega fúlt hvað gengið leikur okkur grátt. Fyrir kannski rúmlega ári síðan fékkst sama krónutalan í kenískum gjaldmiðli og fyrir íslensku krónuna. Nú hefur það sem við erum að Macrine   Rosasenda rýrnað um næstum því helming. Af 66 þús. kr. fengust 35000 í Kenía.

Til nánari skýringar á neðangreindum texta er það stundum svo í Kenía, að sjúklingum á sjúkrahúsum er nánast haldið eins og gíslum inni á sjúkrahúsinu, þangað til búið er að greiða sjúkrahúsvistina. Nú hafa Belinda, Nelius, Agnes, Mohamed og Macrine verið útskrifuð af sjúkrahúsinu en eru þó ennþá máttfarin. Marion, Nicole, Silvance og Calvin eru enn í lyfjameðferð.

Lucy sendir innilegar þakkir til þeirra sem lögðu söfnuninni lið.


Dear Brynhildur    I want to  thank  you once more for the donations from your friends and sponsors  of   bees orphans, I   appricitiated very   much I have received 35000 thirty five thousand from Anne Laurine from the amount you collected from your friends in Iceland..In this money I have discharged the 8 children yesterday included  the sponsored ones Belinda of Margaret, Nelius of Hanna,Agnes Wanjiku of Ragnhildur and Katla,and others, that was Sunday, on Monday I have discharged  7 seven childen included the sponsored ones Mohamed of Fridsemd, Macrine of Rosa and 5 ones who have not yet sponsored, the ones left some will be discharged on Thursday   I have discharged  15 fifteen children  but Marion,Nicole,Silvance Calvin and others not yet sponsored have not yet finished their drugs and also these children were very much affected , let me give  you update on  Thursday..These  fifteen children are out of ward and they are very happy but very dull and very weak in deed., these children  need alot of fruits good diet and much care again, what has happened in the slums has even read in the news papers and medias,it was terrible,This donations has done great surely I never knew howwhat will happen to release the children from the hospital, sendmy thanks to all sponsors who have donated and who were the well wishers to support little bees and they have saved the great nation and many souls.thank you Brynhildur, thanks alot and God bless you. Oh dear thank you for 2 sponsors of my school I have appriciated dear.  Let us pray for more sponsors                      

          yours mama Lucy Odipo

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