Fréttir frá Little Bees

Til stuðningsforeldra little barnanna í Little Bees

Ég var að fá póst frá Lucy, hún biðst innilega afsökunar á að vera ekki búin að senda skýrslur um börnin, aðeins bréf frá þeim sjálfum.  Ástæðan er sú að hún fór í bakinu og hefur verið á sjúkrahúsi.  Hún þarf væntanlega að fara í uppskurð.  Öll börnin er við góða heilsu og líður vel.  Hún hefur ekki enn fengið peningana frá okkur sem hún átti að fá í nóvember, vegna ástandsins hérna, en þeir munu verða sendir núna strax eftir helgi.  Ég bætti líka við 15 þús. kr. til að kaupa fyrir í jólamatinn handa öllum hópnum.
Hér að neðan er pósturinn frá Lucy. 
Hi Bryn, Marions sponsor, It has been so difficult to me to reach you in emails, I have been sick for three monts during the post election I think I told you that my family were the victims we were beaten, sme to my son Victor, but because my age is 57 years Iam now passing some pains at my back which has been scanned for three times, Iam not feeling very well I need to be operated, so dear Bryn, Iam very sorry for the past three monts reports from my children who are sponsored, so they were only writing letters and my son Victor was scanning the letters to  you without reports. The children are doing good I have just removed from my bed today from the National Hospital in Nairobi and the first question I was asked by the sponsored children and others asked me Mama Lucy are we not going to eat good dishes on Christmas dinner, and Marion asked me but my sponsor buys food for all Little bees children is she not bringing christmas gifts, new dresses and christmas will be on Thursday, same to Robin Owino, Nicole Achieng, Mohamed Daudi, Nelly Wairimu,Agnes Wanjiku, Macrine Amollo,Amos Imbeva,Silvance Manyala , and Calvin Clein, I could not answer that is why I have walked slowy to the internate to write these few requests to you and others. I have read that the economy of your country is very low, and Kjartan have not send the little money to us,so I have nothing to answer your foster children. Thank you for good news that you are collecting money in this Christmas, God bless you Bryn for your concern towards littlebees to build the new classes in our school. I want to thank you very much friend of Africa for the whole year of 2008 for the great donations you have send to Little Orphans children, I want to that all sponsors with great love deep into my heart , you friends of Africa you have make Little bees shines in the slums, special thanks goes to grandma Inga, grand Pa Beggi, for their great big heart  that is why little bees have got sponsors, I bless you all and may you enjoy your Merry Christmas and happy new year, I love you and you are all dear to  my heart, even when I was on my bed I was thinking of your love and mercy to little bees children. Bye Bryn I love you and let us pray for your country in this time of low economy I depend on you so the economy hurts me and the orphans, wishing good collecting of building fund, send them my love to all who shall donate even a penny to little bees fund. bye  yours mama Lucy Odipo

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