Jólagjafirnar skiluðu sér til barnanna í Little Bees

Var að fá póst frá Lucy.  Jólagjafirnar sem stuðningsforeldrarnir sendi fósturbörnunum í Little Bees komust til skila með Þóri, sem var á ferð í Kenía og var svo elskulegur að gera sér ferð til að geta skilað gjöfunum fyrir okkur.  Af Lucy er að frétta, að hún hefur verið á spítala vegna bakverkja og er illa ferðafær.  Við verðum bara rétt að vona að hún jafni sig, því hún er lífið og sálin í öllu starfi Little Bees.

Hér er pósturinn frá Lucy

Hi! dear Brynhildur,
I want to thank you very much dear for comforting my soul in this time Iam passing to illness of my back, Iam in pain my dear but I trust God Almighty for the work of charity Iam doing he will have mercy on me and cure me,
I want to thak you once more deep into my heart I received the gifts from our from our dear friend Dotirr who have passed to Kisumu  to meet other friends of Africa who came earlier, he was so good to us he spent 6 hours with us in school and enjojed with children and he took some pictures he will send you when he come back to Iceland, every child have received the gifts and I have taken the photos I am soon emailing to you dear, I have received 10,000 for the christmas dinner, and 30,000 thirty thousand Kenya shilling which Iam budgeting for books and uniforms,and school items. Thank you you have given me a message that after 2 weeks Iam going to receive the rest of the donation , these amount will help me to serve the children food and their needs, Thank you my cordinator you have done alot to little bees I wish the economy of your country may rise I may get the enough money as I was receiving.Marion and the whole little bees were happy with christmas card when they saw Marion, I tell you your daughter is ever jolly she tells the classmate I told you look how beautiful my picture card is, my sponsor Bryn loves me very much and I love her and I think when she comes I will leave and go to Iceland, oh dear Marion is so good and jolly. How was the collection of christmas dear Bryn? All these are touching my heart how sure you are sacrificing to little bees orphans, I tell God himself shall bless you for your great efforts towards little bees and mama Lucy. Still wishing you a blessed year and have many friends of Africa to support you to support the needy children in Africa. send my love to all friends of Africa who collect donations of DAP to me. bye yours mama Lucy Odipo

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