66 þús. kr. til Little Bees

Í dag sendi ég 66 þús. kr. til Little Bees, sem safnað til þess að hjálpa til við að greiða læknishjálp fyrir börnin sem við styðjum þar. Þið yndislega fólk, María, Stína, Lára, Valdís, Ragnheiður, Gígja, Friðsemd, Rósa, Brynhildur, Inga og Magga Stína, kærar þakkir fyrir örlæti ykkar. Það munar svo sannarlega um peningana ykkar í Kenía.

Hér er bréf frá Lucy sem kom sem svar við fréttunum um söfnun okkar:

Dear Bryhildur, thank you very much, I was so stranded I did not think that the sponsors can think how Iam suffering with the children, but my heart has been healed by your kind words,  I want to thank very much the sponsors who have donated that 50 kronas to save the little orphans , let the thanks goes back to Almighty God who have spoken deep into their hearts,  send my thanks to them, surely even I had develped the high blood pressure  because of  the  big bill of the children. I was not even sleeping because of thoughts.  Thank you Brynhildur, thank you my cordinator, I will send the break down to the sponsors.

Some children  are out of oxygen very weak have not started to talk.Marion,Silvance,Calvin, Macrine,Mohamed,Nelius,Agnes are still weak and they are today still on oxygen, Belinda was out from oxygen but have not yet have any thoughts of asking me anything,just her eyes on me. Things will go well by the will of God I trust him. Bye yours mama Lucy Odipo



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